The Call to Heal
This Apprenticeship Series is now closed. If you are interested in participating in this series you will need to contact me to schedule a make up class for “The Call to Heal” workshop prior to June 1, 2016. Please note that we will be offering a new series beginning in the Spring of 2017. Please contact me if you are interested in participating.
We are pleased to announce the beginning of a new Pachakuti Mesa Tradition Apprenticeship Series (PMT) commencing with the first workshop in the series, “The Call to Heal (Releasing the Past)”, is being offered at The Sanctuary at Mt. Shasta the weekend of April 1-3, 2016.
The Pachakuti Mesa Tradition (PMT), as originated by don Oscar Miro-Quesada, is the unique synthesis of two ancient lineages of Peruvian Shamanism as practiced in the Northern Coastal and Southern Andean Regions of Peru. The PMT provides a cross-cultural immersion into Peru’s ancestral wisdom teachings and is relevant for people from all walks of life, including contemporary spiritual seekers, healers and laypersons. It offers a powerful and pragmatic hands-on approach that integrates millennial indigenous wisdom teachings into our daily lives. Central to the practices of this tradition is a mesa, an altar-like arrangement of ceremonially consecrated artifacts, creating an imaginal map of the universe that anchors support from the unseen realms for personal and planetary healing and transformation. The PMT is a profound, yet practical, living shamanic tradition allowing for the awakening of one’s own innate healing and spiritual potentialities through the transformation of consciousness.
In this first workshop students will learn about the cosmovision of Peruvian Shamanism, be apprenticed in the creation and activation of their personal mesa, receive teachings of the lineages comprising the PMT, and participate in numerous experiential exercises designed to support students in their awakening.
The PMT Apprenticeship Program is facilitated by myself and Valerie de Magdalena, each of us receiving the endorsement as teachers of this tradition by don Oscar Miro-Quesada as a result of our long-term apprenticeship in the Peruvian shamanic arts with don Oscar, along with our apprenticeships with don Mariano Quispe Flores of the Paqokuna tradition of the southern Andean tradition in Peru.
The cost for this workshop is $295 and the registration deadline is March 15, 2016. For more information please contact us through this site.
With Infinite Blessings,
Ray Nobriga and Valerie de Magdalena
Join us
Registration for 2016 apprenticeship is now closed.
Please stay tuned for announcement of 2017 Apprenticeship Program.
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